South Pacific Two-Therapist Massage

This classic Two-Therapist massage from the beautiful South Pacific Island of Fiji is an amazing opportunity to study a unique blend of Fijian, Balinese, Shiatsu, Thai, Swedish and Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi massage techniques all in one.


This full body massage is a truly amazing experience where two therapists work on one client simultaneously and in synchrony. The therapists mirror their actions with choreographed massage movements resulting in the ultimate massage experience. Exotic Fijian oils are used throughout and this remarkable massage will provide a new dimension to a therapists range of treatments.

Course content: benefits of a tandem massage and the classification of massage movements; working with the beautiful natural Fijian oils, discover  the Fijian, Balinese, Shiatsu, Thai, Swedish and Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi massage techniques; contra-indications and contra-actions; hygiene and comfort.

© The Modern School of Ancient Therapies 2005